If you have multiple computer systems, setting up a home network will be great option for you to get the most out of your computers and peripherals. You need expert assistance to perform the task perfectly. This is pretty time consuming and arduous as well. In fact, chances are there to mess up with the modems, routers, hubs, switches and cables.The Fixicians assures you with a reliable network support service that help you understand the network basics. Our service process eliminates the chances of slow data transfer; disrupt connectivity or accidental loss of important records.
Scope of support
- Overview of PC networking and remote access methods
- WAN technologies and security protocols
- Wired and wireless networking support
- Installation and configuration of Firewall
- Internet connection sharing and troubleshooting
- Installation of Network Operating System
- Managing network resources
- Troubleshooting network connectivity
Our computer repair and network support solutions help you understand the technology better. Our systems administrators and technical staffs handle each of your issues efficiently and resolve within minutes. Whether you are facing any networking and internet connectivity problem or any hardware or software issues, The Fixicians is there to help you round the clock.
We help you do the following
- Share a single internet connection among multiple users
- Use a printer connected to a different computers
- Access data stored in one PC through another
- Share PC peripherals with the connected PCs
- Password protect your files and folders for secured sharing
- Install, uninstall and configure firewall and other protections